Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Water Color

When we were first introduced to this project, I was just overwelmed and didnt know how it'd be possible to get all the detail in with water colors. But I soon came to find out that it depends on the size of the brush used. I started painting the middle flower and it was terrible. I smeared colors all over and was stressed. So I restarted and took my time, giving it a lot of detail and the middle flower turned out to be my favorite. The first flower was my second favorite. I tried doing some shading on the petals to make it obvious that it was a flower, and I think I did a pretty decent job of that. The last one was a mess. It looked really great until I did the background and it made the petals look dead. But, all in all I really enjoyed this project even though my last one was a little messed up, my other ones make up for it! If I were to go back and redo this project, I would pick lighter colors for all of the backgrounds and not a dark one like I did in the last picture. And I would also be a little more patient and let the paint dry before trying to paint over it and making it look like a mess.

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