Monday, October 24, 2011

Super Hero Gesture Drawing

I think this drawing was pretty good, before I drew this, I had no idea how to draw people, except for stick figures. I think this project was on the verge of successful, it was pretty successful overall. The thing that really worked with this project was drawing the circles and ovals to get a jist of how the body would be, and that really helped. The thing that didnt work was trying to draw his face, I couldnt figure out how to draw a nose so I had to just go with how I thought would look best. If I redid this project I would probably use more of a variety of colors while coloring him in. The most difficult part of this drawing was by far his face, it was tough, but i managed to do it. I learned that when drawing people, you can't draw the clothes around the bubbles you make when you first start the gesture, you have to draw it the way you see it and how they lay on their body.

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