Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Careers: Photography

I chose this career because I think that photography is a really unique and it would be fun. When picking a career, you have to find something you'd enjoy since you will be doing it every day. For me, photography is something that could intrest me from day to day and not get boring. On average, the salary for photographers is $26,080 per year. The duty of a photographer is to use their artistic abilties and technical skill to use a camera, lenses, and lights to take interest pictures that get peoples' attention.
To be a photographer, one must go to school for 2-4 years depending on the college and the schooling needed training how to use the cameras and taking pictures. The people a photographer works with depends on where they work; if they work for the newpaper, then they would be working with the editors of newspapers. If they work for weddings, birthdays, anniversarys and etc. then they would be working with a variety of many different people. As you can see there are many people that photographers work with so to be a photographer one must be social and like to be with people.
After this research, I would definitely consider this career for myself because it would be enjoyable and fun, and it would be something I believe i would really be interested in. It would keep my interest for a very long time. I will consider it when I choose my career.

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