Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Contrast and Composition

I thought this piece was really fun to paint and it was really using creativity. I was really upset that my third drawing went missing, but at least the two I still have are pretty successful. I think they are successful because there are a lot of letters all combined together and it really catches peoples' attention when trying to figure out which letters are which. When doing this project the thing that worked was picking parts of letters and combining them with other parts of other letters. What didnt really work was trying to put whole letters everywhere in the picture. If I was to do this over again, I would probably just be more careful and make sure all of my lines are crisp and straight. The most difficult part of this piece was the painting once again. This took a lot of patience and I had to be careful when drawing my lines and curves. I learned that by just picking certain pieces of different letters, you can make a picture interesting and attractive.

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