Monday, April 9, 2012

Text Collage

This project was pretty fun but it was really time consuming. It took for ever to cut out all of the little black and white words that took the longest. The pink words were pretty easy to find as long as I looked in girly magazines I had no problem! The only thing I would do differently about this project would not be to cut out little words because I started doing that in the beginning, and eventually I started just looking for big words and that helped a lot. So if I were to do this again, I'd start looking for big words right from the beginning. I think my design in this project was good and I really like the store Pink so thats why I chose to do this word, and I am pretty happy with the outcome of this!

Animation Cell

This project was really fun and exciting to draw. I was proud of myself after I drew this because I used to not be really good at drawing people, but I feel like this really shows my progress throughout this year in art. I feel really successful about this piece. The only thing I would change about this drawing would be to have a lighter color in the back ground and to not have so many colors in the back ground because it kind of takes the attention away from  the guy I drew which is not what I really want. But other than that, I wouldn't change a thing! My guy was by far my favorite I've ever drawn and I am really proud of this project.