Monday, October 24, 2011

Still Life Drawing

My thoughts on this piece would be that it was pretty good and I got the shading down better than I did in the beginning. This piece is pretty successful because I really took my time and detail all the little things as much as i possibly could. The thing that worked with this project was carefully looking at the way the object were placed. The thing that didnt work was somedays the objects would be moved around so it was kind of hard at times. If I redid this project i would probably take more time on the shading part. The most difficult part of this drawing was the shading and getting it to look like the shading belonged there. I learned that shading is very important and it makes drawings look 10 times better.

Super Hero Gesture Drawing

I think this drawing was pretty good, before I drew this, I had no idea how to draw people, except for stick figures. I think this project was on the verge of successful, it was pretty successful overall. The thing that really worked with this project was drawing the circles and ovals to get a jist of how the body would be, and that really helped. The thing that didnt work was trying to draw his face, I couldnt figure out how to draw a nose so I had to just go with how I thought would look best. If I redid this project I would probably use more of a variety of colors while coloring him in. The most difficult part of this drawing was by far his face, it was tough, but i managed to do it. I learned that when drawing people, you can't draw the clothes around the bubbles you make when you first start the gesture, you have to draw it the way you see it and how they lay on their body.

Pop Can Line Drawing

My thought on this piece of art work would be that it was pretty decent for being the first thing i've ever drawn. It was pretty neat, but it was a little stiff. I think this project was pretty successful and it helped me learn the value of lines. It helped when I used the pen because it made the lines pop out more. The thing that didn't work was trying to draw a pop can from what I know, I really had to study the can. Next time I would consider taking more time on drawing each line, I kind of rushed a little and got some of the lines wrong. The most difficult part of this project was drawing the crushed can because there were more lines to draw and it was hard. I learned that I really have to work hard and take my time while drawing lines.